Barents Sea coastline dynamics in the Holocene in the Kola region: grain-size and LOI analyses of lake sediments
DOI:Ключевые слова:
bottom sediments of lakes, sea level change, Barents Sea, Late Glacial, HoloceneАннотация
The research of Barents Sea coastline dynamics is based on isolated basins method: bottom sediments were sampled in the chain of lakes located in the area of Musta-Tunturi ridge by the Barents Sea coastline and on the isthmus between Sredniy Peninsula and mainland part of the region, the expedition took place in July 2021. This report presents common results of grain-size and LOI (losses on ignition) analyses of 4 lakes’ bottom sediments. Deepest uncovered sediments are associated with marine genesis and characterized by the biggest average particle diameter and the lowest percentage of organic matter. Layers previously supposed as transgression sediments also have dissimilar grain-size structure from other layers of the core and low percentage of organic matter.
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