Comparison of mineralogy and geochemistry of the suspended matter of waters from river runoff and snow cover of Lake Onega
DOI:Ключевые слова:
Lake Onego, suspended matter, water, snow cover, geochemistry, mineralogyАннотация
The data of mineralogy and geochemistry of suspended matter in water (filtered 0.45 microns), suspended solids (from filters of snow-fallen, river, lake waters) are compared from different parts of Lake Onego. We revealed the mineral composition of the suspended matter differs in the absolute contents of the suspended matter in the water, the ratio of the amount of organic matter in it, the presence or absence of aggregates of technogenic genesis and their quantity. The geochemistry of suspended matter from river’s waters is highly similar to the geochemistry of suspended matter from water in various areas of Lake Onego, but significantly differs from the suspended matter of snow-covered waters.
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