Prospects for studying the paleo archive of lake sediment from the Sarskoe Bog


  • Zakharov A.L. 1
  • Garankina E.V. 2
  • Konstantinov E.A. 1
  • Rudinskaya A.I. 1
  • Shorkunov I.G. 1
  • Yurchenko A.P. 1
  • Shukhvostov R.S. 1, 2
  • 1 Institute of Geography RAS, Staromonetny Lane 29/4, Moscow, 119017, Russia
    2 Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory 1, Moscow, 119991, Russia



radiocarbon dating, geophysical studies, lake sediments, Neopleistocene


In the center of the East European Plain, lake sediments provide the most detailed and high-resolution paleoarchives of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods. However, not all lake sediments can be used to reliably reconstruct regional paleoclimate and landscape changes. Factors such as the shape of the lake basin, the type of rocks beneath it, the number and flow of tributaries, and the vegetation present all play a role in determining the rate and composition of sedimentation in lake deposits, creating a unique record of the local environmental conditions. The Sarskoe Bog Basin has promising potential for providing a high-resolution record of the Late Pleistocene period. The core sample collected from the central part of the swamp met all expectations, but during the geophysical study of the geological structure and search for the maximum depth of lake sediments, it was found that the reference well was not in the most appropriate location. The first geophysical surveys conducted in the bog have improved our understanding of the paleorelief of the basin and will allow us to choose a location for the main well that is suitable for our research objectives.





