A reflection of modern vegetation of the Zhizhgin Island (White Sea) in pollen spectra of lake sediments


  • Levkova D.N. 1
  • Sapelko T.V. 2
  • Leontiev P.A. 1
  • Kublitskiy Yu.A. 1
  • Repkina T.Yu. 3
  • 1 Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 48 Nab. Moyki, St. Petersburg, 191186, Russia
    2 Institute of Limnology RAS – SPC RAS, 9 Sevastianova str., Saint-Petersburg, 196105, Russia
    3 Institute of Geography RAS, 29 Staromonetnyy lane, Moscow, 119017, Russia




White Sea, Zhizhgin, islands, palynology, subrecent spectra, vegetation, lake sediments


The first data on the composition of pollen spectra of subrecent lake sediments were obtained from surface samples of Lake Vodonosnoye and Lake Chernyaevskoye sediments on Zhizhgin Island, which is located in the southern part of the White Sea. Currently, woody vegetation on the island grows in small areas and consists mainly of shrubby birch and willow and oppressed pine. The pollen spectra generally reflect the modern vegetation of the island. The pollen spectra include pollen of tree species and grasses, which occupy large areas of open meadows and wetlands. Picea and Pinus pollen found in significant quantities is partly introduced. Abies and Tilia pollen are also likely introduced. The results of pollen analysis of surface samples will be used for pollen analysis of sediment sequences of the investigated lakes, which will allow for correct interpretation of the data obtained and a more correct reconstruction of the island’s vegetation in the past.





