Palaeosedimentation in Khotavets lake (Mologa-Sheksna lowland) inferred from the results of explicit GPR survey and drilling data


  • Bobrov N.Yu. 1
  • Sadokov D.O. 2, 3
  • Sapelko T.V. 4
  • Terekhov A.V. 5
  • Babushkin M.V. 6
  • Mukhin A.K. 6
  • Beliaeva O.M. 1
  • 1 St Petersburg State University, Universitetskaya Emb., 7/9, St Petersburg, 199034, Russia
    2 Shenzhen MSU-BIT University, International University Park Road, 1, Dayun New Town, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, 518172, P.R. China
    3 ITMO University, Lomonosova Str., 9, St. Petersburg, 191002, Russia
    4 Institute of Limnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, SPC RAS, Sevastianova Str., 9, St Petersburg, 196105, Russia
    5 Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Beringa Str., 38, St Petersburg, 199397, Russia
    6 Darwin State Nature Biosphere Reserve, vil. Borok, 44, 162723, Russia



palaeosedimentation, climatostratigraphy, Mologa-Sheksna lowland, Late Glacial, Holocene, GPR survey


Late Glacial – Holocene sedimentary record has been obtained from a lake basin at the north of East-European Plain, and AMS14C-dated. Coring results were coupled with the ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey, which enabled for the sedimentary sequences’ chronology to be upscaled for the whole basin and beyond. A prominent peat layer (presumably of Allerød age) has been suggested as a marking horizon to correlate with the Late Glacial lacustrine dynamics in the area. Laminated silt with low organic matter content (of the Younger Dryas age), underlain by sandy silt deposits were discovered both from the boreholes and via the geophysical survey. The lower surface of these strata forms wavy and hummocky bottom relief. Organic muds (accumulated in the Holocene) cover the mineral deposits equally.





